Details: 2017: Inflection point for electric cars.
The key or inflection point to know the proliferation of electric cars will be 2017, according to experts and manufacturers. This even when we already know the shadow of electric cars, in a daily basis and models are improving faster, it Is necessary to have something further to meet the goal and means a notable impact on the market.
This conclusion was made for by a group of experts and electric cars manufactures, including high rancking directors from General Motors, BMW, Mitsubishi, Honda, Nissan and Ford. They all agreed that 2017 will be a critical point because all of them will have at least one or more model fully electric and pluggable. Also because of the levels of contamination on some cities, the demands on pollution control will be also higher.
On the other hand, because of the increment on fuel prices, nevertheless the costs of electric cars are so expensive, it could be RENTABLE even before it was thought due to the refilling costs of fuel or diesel. Nevertheless, together with the technological advances on those cars, being on the focus, will supposed to be the main objective trough the technological innovation. These give us the certainty, that the latest advances and what comes shortly, will give the electric cars the correct impulse trough 2017 and its inflection point.
The barriers to overcome are clear, they are autonomy and recharging points. Because of the technological advances the autonomy is supposed to be better as the recharging time. But the pending issue where to little manufactures have been working is the changing points for car batteries. Tesla and BMW are on the state of the art on this area. On the other hand, the Americans have big plans to Europe and Spain regarding charging stations. The Germans are ahead developing these systems, oriented to have then at homes or garages.
At last, is also necessary that the costumers develop its own knowledge about electric cars and its surroundings. Much cities have included electric cars, part of their public transportation systems, but facing to market explosion, there is yet a lot know much and better.